
TPFL Calls for Action to Implement the Pretoria Agreement

Mekelle – AlMohagig

The former ruling Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) concluded its central committee meeting yesterday in Mekelle, the capital of the Tigray region in northern Ethiopia. In its closing statement, the Front urged the Tigrayan ethnic group to exert pressure for the complete implementation of the Pretoria Agreement to halt hostilities, resume dialogue with the federal government, respect Tigray’s territories, and facilitate the return of displaced individuals.

At the end of the central committee meeting, which lasted for 40 days with a preparatory phase of seven days, the Front also called for the accountability of those it termed “perpetrators of human rights crimes in international courts during and after the 2020-2022 war in northern Ethiopia.”

The final statement mentioned that the Front would continue its alliance with the neighboring Eritrean people based on common interests, regardless of its government’s alignment with Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s administration.

The statement also urged the People’s Liberation Front of Tigray Eritreans, both inside and outside the country, to press their government to withdraw its forces from Tigray’s territories occupied since the war.

It’s worth noting that the central committee meeting selected Debretsion Gebremichael as the party’s president for the upcoming term and Qijiahu Reda as the vice president.

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