
Sudan (MOFA): France’s Behaviour Undermines Sudan’s Sovereignty

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Sudanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs denounced, on Friday, the hosting of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the ministerial conference on the humanitarian situation in Sudan, scheduled to be held in mid-April, without consulting the Sudanese government.

The ministry considered in a statement that having the conference without consulting the Sudanese government is “an affront to international law, the United Nations Charter, and the principle of state sovereignty.”

The statement said that the failure to invite the government to the conference is part of “hiding behind the pretext of neutrality and equality between what the organisers call the two sides of the conflict, to justify ignoring Sudan in organising this meeting,” considering it “a worthless pretext, a rejected matter, and a dangerous precedent in international relations.”

The statement noted the participation of what it called the regional “militia” sponsors and their political wing in the conference to be held in mid-April, coinciding with the completion of the war in Sudan in its first year. It indicated the equality between the legitimate government and the national army, on the one hand, and the “multinational terrorist militia” targeting the state itself and committing genocide. On the other hand, the worst human rights violations would undermine the foundations of regional and international security.

The statement clarified that the Sudanese government, in its responsibility towards its people, was quick to seek the necessary international support to confront the humanitarian crisis created by the aggression of the “militias” and their foreign sponsors against the Sudanese people.

The statement called on the international community to fulfil its previous commitments, of which only 5% has been fulfilled, instead of wasting resources and efforts in holding new conferences, which “will not be more than merely political and propaganda festivals,” according to the statement.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs reiterated the Sudanese government’s commitment to providing all possible facilitation to mobilise and deliver humanitarian aid to those in need throughout the country.


It also called on the international community to take a firm stance against targeting the Rapid Support Forces convoys of humanitarian aid along the agreed routes between Sudan and the United Nations.

The Foreign Ministry emphasised that the Sudanese people alone have the right to manage their general affairs and to delegate to those they see fit to lead them towards achieving their aspirations for peace, democracy, and development without guardianship or interference from any external forces, regardless of their claims to care for its safety and interests.

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