
Political Forces to Present a Project Proposing a New Structure for Sovereign and Legislative Councils and Transitional Period Duration

Cairo – almohagig – Sabah Musa

An official source revealed the most important provisions of the national project, which is expected to be signed “Wednesday” in Cairo by a large number of Sudanese political and civil forces.

The official, who preferred to remain anonymous, told Almohagig that the project proposed six levels of federal government in the country, namely the Sovereignty Council, which represents the symbolism of the state, the Council of Ministers, which represents the federal executive branch, the Legislative Council, the judiciary, the Constitutional Court, and the Public Prosecution, indicating that the Sovereignty Council – According to the national project – it will consist of seven members, both military and civilian. He said that the government’s proposal is to be a national unity government without partisan quotas from political and professional competencies with experience and qualifications, adding that the project proposed choosing a prime minister, and that the Sudanese to Sudanese dialogue would select a committee of wise men from 11 national figures known for their integrity, competence, experience and non-competition for constitutional positions, to choose a list of three people from among the conference’s nominations for the presidency of the Council of Ministers, and the Committee of Wise Men presents the three candidates to the Sovereignty Council to choose a prime minister from among them.

The source continued that the project also proposed a 300-member legislative council whose membership includes the political and civil forces, the civil administration, women, youth, Christian and Islamic clergy, and peace parties. He said that the Sudanese Dialogue Conference is selecting a committee of fifteen members from the participating forces to nominate members of the Transitional Legislative Council, explaining The transitional period – according to the national project – is proposed for three years, at the end of which general elections will be held.

The proposal – according to the source – includes that the transitional period be governed by the constitutional document issued in 2019 until it is amended to suit the new political conditions.

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