
The Arab National Congress Addresses the Situation in Sudan and Expresses its View

The Arab National Congress, in its 33rd session which was held in Beirut from May 31 to June 2, 2024, reviewed the situation in Sudan and presented an accurate description of what happened and is happening there through a long paragraph in its closing statement. Below, Almohagig publishes the paragraph on Sudan in the closing statement, as well as the full text of the closing statement:


Sudan Paragraph:


The Arab National Congress discussed with great interest and care the developments in the situation in Sudan and the Western and regional interference in its internal affairs, of which the war that entered its second year resulted from one of its disastrous results. The Arab National Congress warned from the beginning that the bloody conflict in Sudan is not internal but rather a project to uproot Sudan from its Arab, Islamic and African identity in order to enable the Western Zionist project to dominate and control it.

The conference expressed its fear of a repetition of the Palestinian Nakba in Sudan in light of the similarity of the war data in the two countries. While affirming its position included in the final statement of its previous session, it affirms the following:

  • That this war directly targets Arab national security, of which Sudanese national security is a fundamental pillar. Here, it is necessary to recall that this war began on 13 April 2023 at the Marawi military base under the slogan of opposing Egyptian-Sudanese military coordination and cooperation, where the militia captured several Egyptian army officers who share with their Sudanese counterparts the duty of preserving Arab national security from the gate and walls of the southern nation.
  • That the main goal of this war is to extend the Western powers and global Zionism their authority over Sudan, and to re-engineer its social conditions through the displacement of its citizens and the replacement of settlers who have no connection to Sudan, and that the alternative goal to that, in the event of failure to achieve it, is to divide and fragment Sudan, and then control it part by part.
  • This war has set Sudan back decades, after destroying its infrastructure, impoverishing its citizens whose possessions were looted by the militia, destroying their sources of livelihood, and making life difficult for them in their country, forcing them to emigrate so that they can complete the settlement and resettlement operations for those who are fed up with their homelands in the countries of Central and West Africa, from which the Western powers want to expel them to Sudan, the “new promised land”.
  • Holding the Western countries and the Arab and African regimes involved in this war legally and politically responsible, and holding the international and regional organisations responsible for holding accountable those countries that were involved in this war, and forcing them to stop sponsoring and supporting the war, and to compensate for its damages through reconstruction operations and other measures.
  • The necessity of providing official and popular Arab support to the Sudanese people and state in the face of the genocide and ethnic cleansing to which the people are being subjected, and the war crimes committed against them by the Rapid Support Forces, and supporting Sudan to preserve its independence, the unity of its territory and people, and to protect its identity, and the right of its people to a free and dignified life.

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