
Sudan Attorney General Submits the Written Copy of the Interim Report of the National Investigation Commission in the RSF Crimes to the President of the Human Rights Council


In the context of highlighting the Sudanese judiciary’s efforts to achieve justice and redress for the victims, His Excellency Attorney General Yasser Bashir Al-Bukhari, Chairperson of the National Commission, held a meeting, this morning, with the President of the Human Rights Council, H.E. Ambassador Omar Zniber.

His Excellency, the Attorney General briefed the President of the Council on the National Commission’s work in investigating violations of international humanitarian law and human rights law since the eruption of the Rappid Support Forces militia’s insurgence. He emphasized on the commitment of the national judiciary’s and justice bodies’ willingness, and capability to perform their duties in receiving, registering, investigating complaints and lawsuits, as well as adjudicating them. He also reaffirmed the commitment of the legal system’s to guarantee the suspects’ rights to a fair trial.

His Excellency pointed out the need for international cooperation with the National Commission on criminal matters due to the connection of some cases to external elements, such as looted belongings were transported across the international borders, as well as the presence of several victims and witnesses within the territories of some neighbouring countries. He handed over copy of the Commission’s interim report to the president of Human Rights Council and the report will be shortly published on the Human Rights Council’s website as one of its official document.

In response, the President of the Human Rights Council welcomed the Attorney General and reaffirmed his full support for Sudan’s unity, sovereignty, and respect for its legal and judicial system. He commended the efforts made at the national level and confirmed his support for them, expressing his hope that Sudan would overcome the current challenges it faces.

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