
Foreign Ministry: The Militia Seeks to Cause Famine in Sudan

Port Sudan – almohagig


The Sudanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that the Rapid Support Militia prevented the arrival of shipments of seeds provided by the World Food Program to farmers in Sennar State for the current rainy agricultural season.

The Ministry considered in a press statement put out on Thursday that the blockade comes as an extension of the militia’s targeting of agricultural production areas and means for the purpose of causing famine in the country, and emptying the productive regions of their indigenous population for the purpose of settling its mercenaries and foreign elements.

The Foreign Ministry reported a number of violations committed by the Rapid Support militia as part of its criminal plan in this regard, including its looting of the largest World Food Program warehouse in Wad Madani last December, and the disruption of the winter agricultural season in the Gezira project after looting agricultural machinery and mobile assets and closing irrigation canals, then looting Harvested crops and seeds prepared for planting, as well as threatening production areas in Sennar State and the Al-Rahad project and sabotaging the Agricultural Research Authority and the Agricultural Gene Bank.

The Foreign Ministry confirmed in its statement that the Sudanese government has completed preparations to produce enough food in safe areas, and that the Sudanese people are capable of winning the production battle and defeating the plan to starve them.



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