
Telecommunications Service Returns to Sinnar and White Nile

Port Sudan – AlMuhagig

Telecommunications service for Sudatel Communications Company “Sudani” has returned to the states of Sinnar and White Nile, to be followed gradually by North Kordofan state.

According to AlMuhagig sources, the gradual return of telecommunications service has begun in the cities of Sinnar, Kosti, and Rabak. It is expected that within the coming hours, the network will return to the city of El Obeid and the rest of the cities in North Kordofan before the service gradually returns to the state of Darfur.

The Rapid Support Forces (RSF) militia closed the company’s branches within the city of Wad Madani in Gezira state, making the service unavailable in neighbourhoods and villages in the state. Sources indicated that the network’s closure in Gezira state has put significant pressure on the RSF militia to enable teams from the “Sudani” company to operate the network from within Wad Madani after the RSF caused the closure of the branches.

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