
Sudan Calls on International Community to Once Again Condemn the RSF

Port Sudan – AlMohagig

On Monday, the Sudanese Foreign Ministry called on the international community to condemn the Rapid Support militia after it accused it of cutting off communications in the country.

This came according to a statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which was reviewed by the Investigator.

The statement said: “The Ministry of Foreign Affairs calls on the international community, international, regional and humanitarian organizations, and the governments of countries concerned with achieving peace in Sudan to condemn this barbaric crime, and to put pressure on the terrorist militia and its sponsors to stop this aggression, which will have a heavy humanitarian cost.”

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs added: “In the face of the military defeats suffered by the terrorist militia, and the recent tightening noose on it, the militia has resorted in the past few days to cutting off telephone communications and the Internet in large parts of the country, using means of terrorism, sabotage, and blackmailing companies working in this vital field.” “.

The Sudanese Foreign Ministry’s statement came hours after a statement by the Telecommunications and Postal Regulatory Authority (a government agency) that accused Rapid Support of stopping communications from Sudani and MTN, and partially cutting off Zain’s service in Sudan.

The Sudanese Foreign Ministry continued: “It goes without saying that this crime has catastrophic effects on the economic and humanitarian conditions in various parts of the country. The ongoing suffering of civilians will be exacerbated by the terrorist militia’s aggression, as cutting off communications and Internet services means stopping bank transfers and digital financial services, which have become the lifeline for a large segment of the Sudanese population.” Citizens in light of the cessation of many economic activities and means of livelihood.”

Two days ago, the service was disrupted for millions of Sudanese, and as a result, bank transfer and civil registry services for obtaining identification and immigration documents stopped.

The statement added: “It also impedes the flow of humanitarian services, including treatment, aid, and rescue efforts for the stranded, in addition to the impossibility of communication between Sudanese inside and outside the country and between the different states.”

The Foreign Ministry considered that “this criminal behavior of the militia is new evidence that it is implementing a complete plan, under the supervision of its external sponsors, to destroy the infrastructure and components of the state in Sudan, which it uses foreign mercenaries to implement.”


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