
Sudan Files a Complaint against the UAE, Urging the Security Council to Curb its Aggression

New York – almohagig

Sudan (Thursday) lodged an official complaint against the UAE in the UN Security Council. It called on the council to take necessary measures to compel the UAE to immediately refrain from providing care, support, and backing to the RSF militia. The militia rebelled and has been waging war against the country and its army since April 15 of last year.

Sudan affirmed in its complaint its full right to self-defence, to initiate international litigation proceedings, and to hold those responsible for the consequences of that war accountable internationally.

The complaint, presented by Sudan’s ambassador to the United Nations, Ambassador Al-Harith Idris, to the President of the Security Council, cited Sudan’s grievances over the UAE’s support for the Rapid Support Forces militia since the start of the war until now. It included a document monitoring the support provided by the UAE to the Rapid Support Forces and its allies through Chad.

The complaint stated that on April 15 of last year, the RSF led by Hemeti carried out a wide-ranging attack on sovereign and strategic targets in the capital, Khartoum. The attack targeted the elimination of the Chairman of the Sovereignty Council, Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, and members of the Sovereignty Council. The RSF then undertook the implementation of a foreign intervention agenda.

According to the complaint, when the attack failed, the rebel militia resorted to committing violations and atrocities with unlimited support from the UAE. The militia carried out systematic attacks against the state, destroyed its infrastructure, targeted civilians with killing, looting, rape, and displacement, and seized civilian property and public facilities.
Sudan affirmed in its complaint that the aggressive approach taken by the UAE in the war in Sudan, which includes recruiting and mobilising mercenaries, providing weapons, armed military vehicles, drones, supplies, food, and ammunition, is evidence that the UAE knew for sure when it did so, as a non-permanent member of the Security Council, that it was planning an armed aggression and supporting an armed military faction against the state and government of Sudan to implement that plan.
The Sudanese complaint stated that those responsible for the aggression and interference in Sudan’s internal affairs from the UAE were in a position to effectively control or direct the state’s political and military action.

It stated that the UAE knew that committing aggression by using armed force against Sudan’s sovereignty and integrity constituted a clear and explicit violation of the UN Charter.

The complaint mentioned that the consequences of these aggressive acts prove the deliberate violation of the UN Charter and the violation of international peace and security.

Sudan called on the Security Council to publicly condemn the UAE’s aggression against Sudan and its people and demand resolutely that it refrain from intervening in Sudan’s internal affairs and immediately cease recruiting mercenaries and cut off military and logistical support to the militia.

It called on the Security Council to request that the UAE compensate for the damages and losses caused by the militia’s attack.
It also urged Chad to stop allowing mercenaries to pass through its territory, prevent the recruitment of fighters on its territory, and refrain from providing its territory for the transfer of weapons and sheltering the wounded. Sudan stated that the same request extends to Central Africa.
Sudan urged the Security Council to use other available tools to curb the UAE’s aggression against Sudan and its people.

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