
That Which the Newspapers Do Not Report!

Dr. Al-Khidr Haroun

Glory to the thousands who flooded the streets like torrents!
This is a salute to humanity, transcending all differences that distinguish Adam and Eve’s sons, daughters, and grandchildren. Differences in colour, beliefs, and cultures decry Israel’s massacres in Palestine, all of Palestine.

Yes, they did this before, condemning the invasion of Iraq, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, and every war driven by motives of possession, theft, and humiliation!
In the First World, where, at least in theory, those free people could topple the governments that had ignited and fuelled these wars through the ballot box. But this does not happen and does not achieve the desire of the following line to that powerful, roaring introduction: Your hands demolish the forts of long-standing oppression and injustice!

It does not happen! But there, the value of a person is elevated because within their chest is a living conscience capable of expressing itself by rejecting injustice, even if only verbally! But we, in this part of the world where that profound wisdom first emerged (let him change it with his tongue), cannot! Because our rulers consider every outcry as directed against them, even if it is aimed far away at Palestine!
But why does that freedom of expression in the worlds of democracies not transform into a sweeping current that achieves victory for the will of those free peoples?
This is the question these words strive to answer.

Statistics say that only 3 to 5 per cent of Americans vote for the presidential candidate based on their foreign policy program. The overwhelming majority are concerned with economic, educational, and some social issues, addressed by city and state councils and governments, where voter turnout rates rise to the highest due to their direct connection to people’s lives. In contrast, presidential election participation rarely exceeds 50 per cent, where the federal government’s role is seen primarily as ensuring national security: the army, intelligence, foreign affairs, and macroeconomics.

Therefore, the elected president is either relatively free to act in foreign policy or captive to interest groups such as oil companies, arms manufacturers, banks, and multinational corporations.

American sociologist Robert Christopher Lash said: The world is run by the elites of globalisation, weakening democracies and the national state, and these elites take much of the power and glory from the American president, who was the most powerful in the world.

Is this everything? Of course not! With their immense power, these elites run the world through what can be called a world government, scarcely tangible or visible: tremendous wealth, weapons, and media outlets!

Former U.S. President Carter, in an interview you can find on YouTube, said: Any member of Congress who dares to criticise Israel’s policies will not be re-elected!
Conservative Republican Pat Buchanan, who ran for president against George H.W. Bush in the Republican primaries, said: America has become occupied territory by Israel!

A former congressman told journalist Tucker Carlson that every Republican congress member has a designated counterpart from AIPAC, the most decisive Zionist lobby, who stays with him like a shadow, having lunch with him every week to dictate his agenda. Tucker wonders why we do not know this. The man replies because they do not want you to know!
All three said these are taboos, the disclosure of which is forbidden or very costly! We meant this by the title: what the newspapers do not report, except rarely!

Is Zionism purely a Western creation that established Israel in the heart of the region to guard Western interests and prevent the awakening of civilisation in it? Or is it a Jewish creation using the West? Or is the interest mutual?

In addition to the inability mentioned above of Western democracies to act against the guardians of interests running the world, the structures and frameworks governing democratic systems have aged and become incapable of accommodating people’s concerns, living off the sanctity of empty and numbing terms: human rights, international law tasked with resolving disputes, protecting state sovereignty, and achieving justice among nations, big and small.

When asked who rules the world, thinker Noam Chomsky replied: America, because it is the most robust existing state today, despite its decline and weakness, but America itself is ruled by a filthy rich minority representing less than one per cent!
When asked about China, he replied that it would continue to rise economically but with American investments like Apple, the manufacturer of mobile phones and computers. A rise in others’ money would not lead to military superiority over the West.

Did we understand anything? The matter is more complex than can be grasped in this space, but these snippets and attempts may provide keys to help us understand it better.

Mercy and forgiveness to the wonderful ones, Fadhlallah Mohamed and Mohamed El-Amin. (lyrics composer and singer of the national songs: Glory to the thousands…)

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