
The UNHR: Sudan File Tops Our Agenda

Geneva – AlMuhagig

Minister of Justice Dr. Muaawiya Osman Mohamed Khair met yesterday at the United Nations headquarters in Geneva with Volker Türk, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights.
The minister praised the High Commissioner’s interest in the human rights situation in Sudan, welcoming all statements of condemnation issued by his office regarding the crimes of the terrorist Rapid Support Forces (RSF) militia against the Sudanese people, which constitute severe and blatant violations of international humanitarian law and international human rights law.
He also referred to the High Commissioner’s report on the human rights situation in Sudan and the response submitted by the Sudanese government, emphasizing the importance of taking into account all amendments, observations, and recommendations included in the government’s response to that report, especially those related to committing to an accurate description of the crisis in Sudan and ensuring accuracy in gathering information from reliable sources in collaboration with the independent national mechanisms concerned with human rights.
The minister provided a comprehensive explanation of the efforts of the judicial authorities to establish justice, rule of law, accountability, combat impunity, and protect civilians, discussing the measures taken by the National Committee for Investigating War Crimes and Violations and Practices of the rebellious RSF militia and other crimes, as well as the progress made in the investigation committees and their referral of some cases to the courts for adjudication.
For his part, the High Commissioner affirmed that the Sudanese file is a priority for him and his office, indicating that the first external visit he made upon assuming his position was to Sudan, where he met with officials, including the President of the Transitional Sovereignty Council, describing that visit as positive and promising. Volker Türk expressed deep regret over the current human rights situation in Sudan, affirming his commitment to work with the Sudanese government to develop a vision for transitional justice mechanisms for the post-war period in line with local and societal mechanisms in the country.

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